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Experimental Architecture & Material Culture
8. September 2022 @ 9:00 - 18:00
Experimental Architecture
& Material Culture
09:00h – 13:00h
Visit to Klooster Hoogcruts (NL)
An Euregional Site for Situated Experimentalism
The Hoogcruts Abbey has been recently undergoing a revitalization operated by several local
actors. The Department of Architectural Theory at the RWTH Aachen University contributed to
the site development with an experimental rammed-earth pavilion with a bamboo structure.
For a seat reservation on the shuttle bus please contact henning.storch@rwth-aachen.de
Location: Meeting at Theaterstraße 92, Shuttle bus to Hoogcruts 47, Noorbeek (NL)
14:30h – 16:00h
A New Passage to India
A DAAD-sponsored cooperation between
RWTH Aachen University and IIT Roorkee*
This session presents the result of a DAAD-sponsored research project conducted over the past
three years by the Department of Architectural Theory (RWTH Aachen) in collaboration with the
Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee.
Greetings: DAAD representative
Speakers: Smriti Saraswat (IIT Roorkee), Axel Sowa (RWTH Aachen University),
Parshant Rehal (IITRoorkee), Andrea A. Dutto (RWTH Aachen University)
*The event is also dedicated to the launch of the issue
No 13 of Candide — Journal for Architectural Knowledge.
Location: Theaterstraße 92, Aachen
16:30h – 18:00h
2nd ARCHIREG Symposium
This session follows the 1st ARCHIREG Symposium “Sustainable Euregio: Care-Ecology-Recycling“
that took place in October 2021 in Hoogcruts (NL), at which representatives of Euregio architecture
schools presented their approaches to design-build practices and international cooperation.
Speakers:* Rafael Passarelli (Hasselt University), Jean-Philippe Possoz (Liège University), Teske Van
Royen (Maastricht ZUYD), moderator: Carolin Stapenhorst (FH Aachen), Axel Sowa (RWTH
Aachen) | * Each speaker will present a 15 minutes talk. It will be followed by a roundtable discussion.
Location: Theaterstraße 92, Aachen
Lecture by Louisa Hutton, sauerbruch hutton, Berlin
Location: RWTH, Faukultät für Architektur, Raum: R5, Schinkelstraße 1, Aachen